Transition to Assisted Living 

Are you looking to transition to assisted living? Our three-step provides practical support and the best-aged care living option in Brisbane, Queensland for you or your loved one.


Step one: Discovery meeting

We start by getting to know you and your family. We’ll ask about lifestyle goals, health needs and other criteria you might have for a healthy, happy home.

We’ll explain what’s involved in entering aged care, moving into a retirement village or using home care. We’ll talk about the financial implications and answer any questions you might have. At the end of our session, we’ll leave you with our easy-to-read guide explaining the steps involved in accessing aged care services in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.


Step two: Shortlisting & viewings

We research our extensive pool of aged care facilities, homes, centers and services in Brisbane, Queensland to find the best match for you. We provide you with a concise report that shortlists three to five aged care centers and homes in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia that you might wish to view.

We’re available to attend viewings with you, so that we’re on hand to answer questions and help you make a fully informed decision.


Step Three: Assessments & applications

Once you’ve made a decision about the best senior living option for you or your family, we’ll help you organise the paperwork and any government assessments needed.

As you prepare for the move, we’ll be available to answer any questions. We’ll also make sure you’re aware of any other resources or support that might be helpful.

Aged care living options to match your needs

At A Home, we’re familiar with the range of aged care services in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia and retirement living options in your area.

We only recommend providers who meet rigorous standards. If you’re looking for the right living arrangement for someone you love, you can be confident we’ll help you find the best available care.

Not in my wildest dreams did I think we could place Dad in such a facility

This has been the best investment we have ever made