When do you know the time has come to transition a loved one to aged care living? Here are some 16 signs…

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Have you noticed things are out of the ordinary with an elderly loved one or family member? You may have picked up some signs, perhaps you have noticed that your once house-proud parents are letting the home fall into disrepair or everyday tasks becoming increasingly difficult for them. 

Here are some signs that your aging parent or loved one may need help:

  • Financial confusion, overdue accounts, missed payments
  • Broken appliances
  • Fluctuations in mood
  • Untidy, cluttered home, unpleasant odours
  • Forgetfulness
  • Confusion over medications, forgetting medication
  • Untidy yard, overgrown garden
  • Missing appointments, commitments
  • Bad diet, weight loss.
  • Trouble getting up
  • Unexplained bruising.
  • Motor vehicle accidents and mishaps
  • Confusion and difficulty with everyday tasks
  • Depression or loss of motivation
  • Poor personal hygiene, untidy clothing
  • Out of date food items, off-foods in fridge

In many cases parents often find it difficult to ask for help. Conversation and empathy are key. Speak to your parents and loved ones about options, consult with siblings and other family members. It may be that some in-home care is all that is required, or a rapid decline may see you looking at more specialised care.

If you need to arrange an ACAT contact assessment contact the customer service centre of My Aged Care on 1800 200 422. Alternatively, your social worker, doctor or other health professional can do this for you. For information on how to prepare for an ACAT assessment, click here https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/assessment/prepare-your-assessment

If you have any needs beyond this stage and would like an obligation free chat, give us a call on 1300 686 323 or visit us and read about how we may be able to help at https://ahome.com.au/.


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