Downsizing to Aged Care Living

Downsizing to aged care

Moving out of the family home and downsizing into an Aged Care living can be overwhelming and stressful, both emotionally and physically. It’s a very difficult time leaving behind many treasured memories and letting go of sentimental items.

Before you commence the move, create a plan and communicate clearly with all involved. Preparation is key for a smooth transition!


Once you have signed all the relevant paperwork and engaged all the specialist services and people you need (such as the removalists, aged care placement consultant etc) start formulating your plan.

Enlist the help of family members or friends who can help. Ensure they know what each of their ‘jobs’ are so there is little confusion.

Be sure to include the loved one who is moving into Aged Care in the process, they should feel encouraged, supported and in control of their move. It can be helpful to use a floor plan of their new room and draw into it the furniture items they wish to take, where they would like them placed.

Keep in mind, if the move is complicated, engaging an Aged Care Consultant, such as A Home can help. Aged Care Placement Consultants are a one stop shop and specialists in this type of transition and can help guide you if you are unsure or family dynamics are making it difficult to work together.  


When it comes time to sort & de-clutter furniture, appliances and personal items. Consider the three “F” Categories.

  • Functionality – what you will certainly use and need
  • Favourites – things you absolutely cannot live without, special sentimental items
  • Farewell – these are items that will need to go.   You will then have to make decisions on selling, donating or passing on to loved ones

Its important to note the ‘farewells’ will take longer to sort through as these will include sentimental items and belongings difficult to part with. If you are not sure, also have a storage pile. These are items that you cannot bear to part with, you cannot take into the home but will be able to decide on later. Please also consider passing special items on to loved ones if you would prefer not to see them donated. Anything broken, chipped or that has deteriorated should be thrown out.


Once moved into your new Aged Care home, you may find wish to add something extra for aesthetic appeal or remove an item you bought from home, because it takes up too much space or just doesn’t work with the room décor. It’s important to create a homely ambience and make the transition as comfortable and homely as possible.   The more you plan and prepare and delegate the easier the downsize will be for all.

If you would like to talk about how we can assist with your transition, contact us on 1300 686 323

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