Aged care support services and understanding, every step of the way

A Home provides practical  aged care support services for people and families looking for the right living arrangement for themselves or their loved ones.

Making the move into aged care or retirement living can be challenging and confusing for the whole family. Every provider offers different aged care support services, facilities and options, so it can be hard to compare what’s available. Add in financial and legal implications, and the choices can become overwhelming.

A Home was founded to provide understanding and support throughout the entire process, from short-listing options through to settling in. Our team will help you confidently make decisions that prioritise your health and happiness, or that of the person you love.

How A Home can help for aged care support

Extensive options for aged care living

We cover a broad range of aged care facilities and services, so you can select the best option for your loved one.

Free introductory phone call

We provide an introductory phone call at no cost to you. You’ll get caring advice from an expert to help you confidently move forward.  You can then elect to have an in-depth consultation from the comfort of your home.  During this consultation we will explain totally the aged care placement and financial planning process (and how we can help you).

Financial expertise & planning

Our team understands the complex financial matters involved in finding the right senior living option and can help you navigate financial implications.

Round-the-clock availability

We understand that families sometimes need to make decisions fast, which is why we are always available for consultations outside of regular office hours.

Find the very best, without regrets

Whether you’re looking at living options for yourself, your partner or your parent, you’ll want to select a place that provides high-quality care and facilities.

It’s an important decision with ongoing implications. Our mission is to take the stress and anxiety out of finding the most appropriate aged living option. With our extensive knowledge and understanding of the aged care and retirement sectors, we provide highly personalised advice and practical support.  We are also accredited financial planners that specialise in aged care.

We take the time to understand what matters most, empowering and bringing peace of mind to our clients.

Not in my wildest dreams did I think we could place Dad in such a facility

This has been the best investment we have ever made